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Dear Friends,

I hope the new year is off to a great start! January 22, 2023, which is just a few days away marks 50 years since Roe v. Wade fastened its death grip on America. During that awful era, more than 1 million pre-born lives were destroyed each year. Through God’s mercy, your faithful support of pro-life ministries like PJI, and the relentless determination of so many believers, Roe was overturned this past summer, and it did not live to see its 50th anniversary.

But the fight for life is fiercer than ever in left-leaning states. PJI is now strategically positioned with offices across the United States to battle for life in the most hostile and dangerous territories.

We have a proven track record of pushing back and prevailing. Consider this:

● We successfully battled in court all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to defeat a California law that required pro-life pregnancy clinics to promote abortion.

● We have provided legislative testimony against radical pro-abortion measures and succeeded in limiting their reach.

● We recently settled a hard-fought federal lawsuit on behalf of a healthcare professional who had been denied jobs because of her pro-life beliefs.

● We have successfully represented student pro-life speech when school officials sought to shut it down.

Currently, our attorneys are engaged in many intense battles for life, including the following:

● Representing hundreds of believers nationwide who were punished for their pro-life objections to receiving COVID-19 vaccines developed or tested using fetal cell lines.

Defending a church in Washington State being sued by Planned Parenthood, which is seeking crippling financial sanctions.

Defending pro-life clinics against insidious, unfounded and unequal investigations by the California Attorney General.

Not only does PJI fight for the sanctity of life for the pre-born, we are also one of the very few organizations that defend the rights of children, the elderly and the medically fragile facing-life-and-death removal from life support or organ transplant lists.

● Our attorney in Michigan secured the restoration of critically-ill clients to an organ transplant list. This was huge! We continue fighting for others who were unjustifiably removed from organ transplant lists for declining the ineffective COVID-19 vaccines.

● On several occasions, our attorneys have secured additional time for families to make life-and-death decisions about continuing life support for their children or parents, when callous hospital authorities had moved to end life prematurely.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, it is more strategic than ever that we have attorneys in cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and more. I warned last January of plans by California and other deep-blue jurisdictions to follow a 45-point blueprint for expanding abortion in their territories. We are seeing the
first waves of that plan being implemented, and they have even added to it recently. We must be ready, and our attorneys must be equipped with the resources they need to fight for life!

The need is huge, and PJI is ready to serve more than ever before. We need not only special, one-time gifts but committed monthly donors we can count on.

The great news is that until this end of January, we have an unprecedented matching grant of $350,000 from some of our most generous friends. This is especially important for new or increased monthly giving, because your gift can be doubled all through the year!

Will you earnestly consider both a special gift to start the new year strong, and either beginning or increasing your monthly giving to PJI’s ministry?

Running the Race,

Brad Dacus
Founder and President, Pacific Justice Institute


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