
The National Prayer Breakfast is a National Disgrace

The first Thursday of every February brings us the National Prayer Breakfast, a gathering of numerous members of Congress, the President, faith leaders, business leaders, foreign leaders and diplomats, military leaders, and lobbyists. Over 3,000 people show up for the event which officially starts with dinner the night before and goes all day following the breakfast. Outside groups sponsor meals, receptions, and presentations for days around what once was a simple bipartisan breakfast for members of Congress who wanted to pray together.

Where to start….Philosophically if members of Congress want to pray together at breakfast they don’t need to go to a gigantic hotel ballroom and do it in front of a thousand people. They pay attention to this Bible verse: “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” But that’s not how this event works, although we’ll come back to the word “secret.” If you really believe in separation of religion and government you don’t go to a “religious” event on a workday with other legislators and then go back to work writing laws.

Next there is the group who organizes the event: The Fellowship, better known to its members as The Family. (Does it sound like the bad guys in a Mission Impossible movie?) The Fellowship is a highly secretive Christian group; no website, no address, no public activity other than the Breakfast. There is a whole book about it. They work to spread their view of Christianity with Jesus as the ideal “strongman.” The author says The Fellowship uses the Prayer Breakfast and the events surrounding it as a backdoor recruiting and diplomacy tool between lobbyists, business, and foreign governments, without any formal government oversight.

The Fellowship believes that by operating under the radar, unlike other conservative Christian organizations, they are more effective in advocating on issues such as opposing LGBTQ equality. They are known for being powerful and effective. It helps when someone like Mike Pence is a member.

Foreign leaders that the State Department would officially have a problem with get access to officials they wouldn’t get any other way. They pay thousands of dollars for access and maybe a quick photo with members of Congress or the President, facilitated by lobbyists. One Russian was convicted of being an unregistered foreign agent based around her activities at two Prayer Breakfasts. Next time a politician complains about The Swamp, ask if they have attended the National Prayer Breakfast.

The best way to undermine the Prayer Breakfast is for constituents to urge their legislators not to attend. Without the members of Congress there, the influence-peddling doesn’t work. Please use our Action Alert to ask your legislators not to attend. They just need to find something else more important to do.

In case you missed it, SCA’s Lobby Day in DC is coming back on March 24th. Details soon. Save the date!

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The National Prayer Breakfast program from 2016: