20th January 2023
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In this Issue...

READ: It's time to DEFUND the National Women’s Council and start over

WATCH: Short video on why it’s time to DEFUND the National Women’s Council

READ: Meeting of Oireachtas Health Committee shows how authoritarian members are becoming towards peaceful pro-life protests

WATCH: A beautiful salutary reminder about the preciousness and value of each human life

REGISTER NOW: Upcoming PLC Network Workshop Series on Effective Social Media Communication on Wednesday February 1st from 7.30pm-8.30pm
Time to DEFUND the National Women’s Council and start over

Sign the petition and spread the word!

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) is arguably the most vocal group campaigning for wider access to abortion in Ireland.

As a taxpayer funded body, they are leading an aggressive pro-abortion effort to legalise late-term abortion on request.

While claiming to represent ALL women, the NWCI ignores the voices of women who regret their abortions and the majority of women who want to see alternatives to abortion promoted. 

The millions of euros of taxpayers’ money they receive gives them immense power to influence government decisions on abortion. This cannot be allowed to continue. It’s time to demand change.

By signing the petition below, you will be adding your voice to the call to defund the NWCI and start over with something better in its place.

Together, we MUST shine a light on the unfairness of what is happening in order to bring about change.

When you’ve signed the petition, please share the link with family and friends and encourage them to be part of the effort as well. Thank you! 

Sign the Petition here
Watch short video on Why it’s time to DEFUND the National Women’s Council
Click here or above to watch the video
Meeting of Oireachtas Health Committee shows how authoritarian members are becoming towards peaceful pro-life protests
On Wednesday, the Oireachtas Health Committee met to discuss where things are at with regard to the Government’s plan to introduce legislation to prevent peaceful pro-life gatherings in the vicinity of abortion centres across the country.

Committee members grilled representatives from the Department of Health about the timetable for introducing the draconian law and about ensuring that any legislation introduced would have robust powers to prosecute pro-life people for exercising their right to peacefully assemble in public. 

One has to listen and watch a session of the committee in action to fully grasp how bigoted and authoritarian these members of the Oireachtas are becoming with regard to suppressing the voices and peaceful actions of pro-life citizens.

From their contributions and line of questioning, they appear much more animated and committed to silencing pro-life people than addressing the unfolding crisis in the health service, where healthcare workers are stretched to breaking point and where ordinary citizens cannot access the basic treatments and care they require.

You can view Wednesday’s session of the Oireachtas Health Committee here
"What is the nature of your prayer?" Shocking footage from England where a man is told he is in breach of a 'Public Spaces Protection Order'

"What is the nature of your prayer?"  These are the words of a police officer to a dad praying silently for his dead son outside an abortion clinic in Bournemouth, England.

Click above to watch this latest shocking footage where a police officer intrusively asks Adam Smith-Connor what he is praying about. When Adam responds that he’s praying for his son who had been aborted, the police officer tells him he is in breach of the UK’s Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

Meanwhile, in Ireland, the Oireachtas Health Committee is discussing similar legislation here. The Committee is only entertaining pro-abortion arguments in favour of exclusion zones (so called 'safe access zones') and have refused to allow the Pro Life Campaign to appear before the Committee to present the arguments in defence of free speech and the right to peacefully assemble in public places.

Footage Credit: ADF UK
Register Now for Upcoming PLC Network Workshop Series on Effective Social Media Communication on Wednesday February 1st from  7.30pm-8.30pm
Register Now
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