From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: Biden Gets Real on Immigration
Date January 19, 2023 9:29 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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Biden gets real on immigration
By Will Marshall
President of PPI
For The Hill ([link removed])
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No issue better illuminates America’s debilitating political stalemate than immigration. Everyone knows there’s a mounting humanitarian and law enforcement crisis on our southern border, but our political leaders find it safer to appease their most militant partisans than to work together to forge pragmatic solutions.

That may be changing. After ignoring an unprecedented surge of migrants for two years, President Biden ([link removed]) has announced some modest steps toward restoring order. His reward for taking on this combustible issue is a fusillade of criticism from rightwing nativists who say he’s not serious and leftwing activists worried that he is.
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New from the Experts

Michael Mandel, PPI's Vice President and Chief Economist: The Economic Performance of the Digital Sector Since the Pandemic Started
⮕ PPI ([link removed])

Ben Ritz, Director of PPI's Center for Funding America’s Future, On Reaching the Debt Limit
⮕ PPI ([link removed])

Malena Dailey, PPI's Technology Policy Analyst: The Internet as We Know it Relies on Section 230
⮕ PPI ([link removed])

Jordan Shapiro, PPI's Economic and Data Policy Analyst: The UK Online Safety Bill is Well Intentioned But Will Undermine Privacy
⮕ PPI ([link removed])

Tressa Pankovitz, Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America’s Schools Project: Charter School Innovation Shouldn't Come at the Expense of Constitutional Protections for Students
⮕ The Hill ([link removed])

Trade Fact of the Week: The number of extremely poor people has fallen by two-thirds since 1990
⮕ PPI's Trade Fact of the Week ([link removed])
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New House Majority Shows its True Colors on ‘Fiscal Responsibility’
By Ben Ritz
Director of PPI's Center for Funding America’s Future
For The Hill ([link removed])
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Republicans in Congress have been eager to position themselves as the fiscally responsible counterweight ([link removed]) to what they consider budget-busting and inflation-increasing overspending from the Biden administration. But just two weeks into their new majority, House Republicans have shown their true colors, and it’s more likely than not that they will make our nation’s fiscal problems even worse.

The first bill passed by the new majority ([link removed]) would repeal $71 billion in new funding for taxpayer services and enforcement by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that Democrats passed last Congress. But an official score ([link removed]) from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that this bill would also reduce revenue collections by $186 billion over the next decade because it would undermine the agency’s ability to make wealthy tax cheats pay what they owe.As a result, the first act by the new House majority would actually increase deficits by roughly $114 billion.
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PPI Launches Paper:
The Climate Case for Expanding U.S. Natural Gas Exports

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A key question for current American climate, energy, and security policy is what role abundant U.S. natural gas should play in the ongoing domestic and global clean energy transition. This report finds that expanding U.S. natural gas production and exports can cut coal use, lowering domestic and global greenhouse gas emissions, along with other policies to increase renewable power and other forms of clean energy.
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READ: New report from PPI's Paul Bledsoe featured in Politico
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In Case You Missed It: Webinars
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Platform Work and the Care Economy

This webinar with Dr. Michael Mandel and Lyft Driver & Caregiver Cora Mandapat discussed how the stress of this immense caregiving burden can be eased by the availability of flexible platform work, including companies such as Lyft, Uber, Doordash, and Instacart. Platform work provides an alternative that offers better scheduling and earning opportunities for unpaid caregivers. Dr. Mandel and Cora also discussed the possibility that platform work may help narrow the longstanding gender gap in unpaid caregiving.
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New Skills for a New Economy: The Rising Importance & Popularity of Youth Career Development

This Zoom webinar covered the importance of preparing young people for career success. Sen. Rosapepe, Don Fraser, and Lateefah Durant discussed the policies and practices they are championing in their states and communities as well as the rising political will to ensure young people learn the skills needed to succeed in the U.S. economy.
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Living with COVID in the New Year and Beyond

As variants of the COVID-19 virus continue to emerge, it's becoming more and more clear that this epidemic is becoming endemic. As the world continues to grapple with the reality that this virus is here to stay, how do we begin to live in our new normal, and how do we balance the tradeoffs between combating the spread of COVID-19 and letting normal life resume?
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The Neoliberal Podcast's Best Books of 2022 (Part 2)

Jeremiah recaps the best books from 2022. From those books covered on the podcast to the more obscure finds, from fiction to non-fiction, including biographies, academic works, humor, political science, science fiction and more, it's all here as we recap the best books of the year.

Staff Spotlight: New Faces
The Progressive Policy Institute is growing! Please welcome the new members of our Communications, Government Relations, and Policy teams!

[link removed] Karlins
Graphic Designer and Digital Manager
Justin is the Graphic Designer and Digital Manager for the Progressive Policy Institute. Prior to joining PPI, Justin worked on Capitol Hill with Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy’s press and digital communications team. Prior his time on Capitol Hill, Justin served in Congresswoman Murphy’s Orlando District office and on her re-election campaign.

Justin is an Orlando, FL native, and a proud graduate of Rollins College. He currently attends Johns Hopkins University, where he is pursuing a master’s degree in political and digital communications. He is based in Washington, D.C.

Follow Justin on Twitter @JustinKarlins

[link removed] Fauble
State and Local Political Director
Prior to joining PPI, Reid interned at the DLCC, worked at the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics, and most recently, served as Director of Scheduling and Advance for Congresswoman Dina Titus.

Reid earned a BA from American University in Political Science and History along with a certificate in Women, Policy, and Political Leadership in 2021, and completed the General Course at the London School of Economics in 2020. She is also a 2022 graduate of the Master of Public Policy program at American University. She has extensive research experience and has been recognized twice by American University’s School of Public Affairs for outstanding research on maternal health and women’s issues.

In her free time, Reid is an avid reader, hiker, and a perpetual DC tourist.

[link removed] Delaney
Director of Health Care Policy
Erin Delaney is the Director of Health Care Policy at the Progressive Policy Institute. In this role, Erin focuses on analyzing and developing policy solutions that address high health care costs, coverage gaps, and that promote medical innovation and more efficient use of health care resources to improve health outcomes and to ensure all Americans have access to affordable health care.

Prior to joining PPI, Erin served as the Health Care Program Manager at Center Forward, where she promoted Center Forward’s health care advocacy and policy objectives. Her role there centered on building relationships and encouraging educational opportunities with Members of Congress and congressional staff, state-based policymakers, and other health care policy stakeholders. She also focused on legislative and third-party research and analysis.

Prior to joining Center Forward, she served as the Legislative Affairs Associate at America’s Essential Hospitals, where she conducted legislative research, oversaw the management of the association’s advocacy events and Congressional fly-ins, and facilitated the management of the association’s political action committee. Erin also previously worked for Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). Erin holds a Bachelor of Science in political science from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
PPI Takes the "Women in Policy Alliance: Coffee & Conversation" Series to Capitol Hill

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** Join Mosaic every 3rd Thursday for our monthly Coffee & Conversation networking event hosted at the Progressive Policy Institute.

The Women in Policy Alliance was designed to foster growth and facilitate connection among women working in policy in Washington, D.C. Come meet policy analysts and experts working across a variety of policy areas. This is a great opportunity to find partners for collaboration, discover new research, and build relationships in person!
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