What’s needed? At FUTURES, we believe economic justice should include three pillars:
- Well paid jobs, which include pathways to high-growth and high-wage sectors, particularly for women of color and LGBTQIA+ individuals, and fairly valuing work traditionally done by women;
- Safe and supportive workplaces, that are free from discrimination and harassment, and include standards, policies and norms that align to survivors’ needs and lived realities.
- Social support, including affordable healthcare and caregiving, paid family leave, and paid safe leave for time off to go to court and seek support from abuse.
FUTURES has long advocated for federal legislation and funding that centers the needs of survivors and their families through our Policy Center. Last year, we worked with partners to unlock more than $2 billion in public funds for programs that prevent violence, provide economic support, and help survivors heal in the U.S. and internationally.
We also work with employers, the public sector, survivors and advocates to advance safe and supportive career pathways and workplaces. This includes our National Resource Center: Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence, and Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking (PEOST) Training and Technical Assistance Program.
To move forward, we need to create accessible career pathways, promote employer practices and protections that center workers, and invest in social supports to eliminate obstacles to economic opportunity.
It’s time to dream big to advance economic justice. Don’t you agree?
With respect,
Esta Soler
Founder & President