John, this is real: Gun manufacturers are advertising real guns for kids, like the JR-15 .22 Long Rifle made by Wee1 Tactical, that "looks, feels, and operates just like Mom and Dad's gun."
Gun violence is now the number one cause of death for children and teens in America, yet the gun industry continues to make and market weapons to children.
In fact, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the group hosting SHOT Show this week—one of the gun industry's biggest events of the year in Las Vegas—called young people "obvious 'low-hanging fruit' in recruitment" and a "large relatively untapped market."
Our kids don’t need marketing for dangerous weapons, they need stronger gun safety laws. If the gun industry is going to put its bottom line before safety, then we must hold them accountable.
Everytown and Moms Demand Action are working every day to fight for life-saving gun safety measures—and we rely on your support. Donate to Everytown Action Fund today to power our work to strengthen our gun safety laws and end gun violence.
Thank you for being with us,
Everytown for Gun Safety