
Friday January 20, 8:00 pm Symposium

How did China end extreme poverty in 20 years? What we can learn from China?

One of the miracles of our time has been the successful determination of China to end extreme poverty within a forty year time frame. By 2020, China reached this goal, with 800 million people lifted out of extreme poverty. How did China do this? Why is the West afraid of China?

Over the next three weeks, we will consider these questions and the danger of the reaction in the West to China’s success. We will also remember FDR's successful explosion of economic development in celebration of his birthday.


Liam Murphy, author of the Executive Intelligence Review article “EACOP and the Battle for African Development: Zeus vs. Prometheus”

Dr. George Koo, Chairman of the Burlingame Foundation, named after Anson Burlingame, who was Abraham Lincoln’s ambassador to China. Dr. Koo is a retired international business consultant as well.

Friday, January 20, 8:00 pm: Why Does the British Empire Fear China?

Below is my intervention vs. Schumer earlier this week




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