Hi John!
Happy New Year! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable winter break. As we start the year 2023, we would like to update you on the latest developments at the European Greens, our partners and member parties, and upcoming events and initiatives.
We are excited to share a video message from our General Secretary, Benedetta De Marte. Please click here to watch the video!
Your January challenge: Share this newsletter with 5 potential subscribers!
We know that many members of our Green European family have not yet subscribed to our email updates.
But we need everyone for our big mission: To win the European Election 2024.
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A message from our Co-Chairs:
"Big challenges are ahead of us in 2023. We are already facing multiple crises that directly impact our daily lives. But I believe that 2023 will be the year when, more than ever, Greens will lead on delivering political answers to these crises. Together as Europeans, we can make our green project of a green, social, feminist, antifascist, democratic and peaceful Europe become more than a project. We can make it a reality."
– Mélanie Vogel, Co-Chair
"2022 has been a difficult year: biodiversity crisis, climate crisis, ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the energy and food crisis across the European Union. But when it comes to climate, there are also signs of improvement and hope: the Green Deal is moving forward and it is put in legislation piece by piece. We see massive investments into renewable energy and a transformation of how we produce in our societies and how we consume within our societies.
It has been heart-warming to see democracies across Europe and the world standing together with Ukraine in defence of their freedom. This solidarity gives me a lot of hope for 2023."
– Thomas Waitz, Co-Chair
News from the European Greens
Green Talking Heads
Greens in government in conversation with Sibylle Steffan
Listen to the first of two new podcast episodes, where Sibylle Steffan, EGP Committee Member is in conversation with Greens in government:
- Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland
- Anna Lührmann, Member of the German Bundestag
- Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of Ireland
- Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility of Belgium
- Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice of Austria
They discuss their experiences as Green ministers in the face of the health, security and energy crises, and the biggest challenges that still lie ahead of us.
The second episode of Sibylle's talks with Greens in government will come out soon!
You can listen to the episode wherever you get your podcasts or directly on the project website (Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts).
Local Councilors Network
Join our webinar about energy poverty
The consequences of the energy and cost of living crises are most visible on the local level, where city councils are trying to protect residents from energy cuts or freezing homes. In this webinar, we will share best practices to fight energy poverty on the local level, and start an exchange on the challenges provoked by the energy crisis. Join us on January 31, 2023 19:00 - 20:30 CET.
Campaign Handbook
New articles available in Campaign Handbook
François Fouquelle from Europe Écologie-Les Verts (France) and Evelien Matthys from Groen (Belgium) are sharing insights about their parties’ recent rebranding and fundraising. Log in or sign up for the Campaign Handbook to get the full story!
The exclusive content is only available to EGP’s Partners and Green Parties’ members.
News from our member parties
A historic day for equality in Scotland
The Scottish Greens have fought long for trans rights in Scotland. Last month, the Scottish parliament has passed the Gender Recognition Reform which allows people from age 16 and over to legally change their gender on paperwork without having to have had gender reassignment surgery. Scottish Greens equalities spokesperson, Maggie Chapman MSP, said: “Self-identification, including for 16 and 17 year olds, is a crucial reform. And it is
because it is a key part of the Bute House Agreement that the Scottish Greens negotiated with the Scottish Government, that it is now a reality. And I am very pleased that it is.” On Monday, however, the British government announced to block the Scottish decision, using a constitutional order under the Scotland Act for the first time.
GroenLinks initiates change of constitution
We are very proud of the initiative of our Dutch member party GroenLinks to amend the Dutch Constitution to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on disability or sexual orientation. It has been adopted! The Constitution already prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race and sex. Adding disability and sexual orientation to that list cements the protection of disabled people and LGBTI people against prejudice. Great news and a step forward in the fight for equality!
Progresīvie fighting for civil union law
Our Latvian member party Progresīvie is fighting for a civil union law in their country. Learn more about their fight on Instagram!
News from partner organisations
More than 15,000 signatures against glyphosate!
Glyphosate is a pesticide not only used in farming, but also in urban areas. And we know it is devastating for biodiversity: it just kills (almost) everything. We don’t need glyphosate for productive farming, nor for weed control. In the coming year, we have the chance to ban the use of glyphosate in Europe. Sign our petition and join our call.
Get involved today!
The Global Greens Congress 2023 (08 – 11 June) is only a few months away now. This landmark Congress unites East and West, North and South, and our Korean hosts, along with Global Greens and Global Young Greens are preparing an outstanding programme. Sign up here to learn more. See you there!
Global Greens Women’s Network New Year’s Party
The New Year promises to be such a great year for the Global Greens Women’s Network that we have to celebrate it twice! Come join us on Tuesday, 24 January at 12 am UTC (midnight) and/or at 12 pm UTC (noon). Read more about the event and share it with other Green women.
If you enjoy reading our updates, consider forwarding this email update to a friend or colleague or inviting them to subscribe.
European Greens © 2023 Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.