Edwin Chiloba was a bold and brave icon – his death has sparked a movement

Hundreds have paid their respects to Kenyan LGBTQ+ activist Edwin Chiloba after his body was found on January 3. His life epitomised fluidity, freedom and fierceness


EXPLAINER - What are trans self-ID laws and what impact do they have?

Scotland wants to join a growing number of countries that allow transgender self-ID. Here's what it means

What does EU LGBTQ+ rights ruling mean for self-employed workers?

EU court says anti-discrimination rules cover self-employed LGBTQ+ workers as Polish case threatens to fuel row with Brussels

LGBTQ+ groups alarmed by UK review of migrant trans recognition

Britain plans to limit a scheme to recognise legal gender changes granted by other countries

Britain vows new law to ban conversion therapy for LGBT people

The government will now include transgender people in upcoming legislation to ban conversion therapy of LGBTQ+ people

Meta's oversight board calls for more inclusive adult nudity policy

Meta's oversight board overturned the company's decision to remove two Instagram posts depicting transgender and non-binary people with bare chests, saying that Meta needed to change its policy to make it more inclusive

Transgender Kenyans seek refuge amid backlash over activist's death

Transgender Kenyans seek protection of safe houses over the past week as a backlash against lesbian, gay and transgender Kenyans has flared following the death of LGBTQ rights activist Edwin Chiloba

British government to block Scottish gender reform law

The British government will block a bill passed by the Scottish parliament that makes it easier for people to change their legal gender

Dutch amend constitution to specify gay, disabled protections

The Dutch Senate approved an amendment to the Netherlands' constitution to make it forbidden to discriminate against someone on the basis of their sexual orientation, or disability

Church of England bishops refuse to allow same-sex marriages

The Church of England will refuse to allow same-sex couples to get married in its churches

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