[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Big Oil’s fracking is DESTROYING historic tribal lands in the Greater Chaco
Canyon and putting local communities in DANGER!
The impressive stone buildings and 1000-year-old rock engravings at Chaco Canyon have deep cultural roots to many Southwest Indigenous peoples who call this part of New Mexico home. The
ancient ruins of these tribal lands represent rich ancestral history and are SACRED to the Pueblo and Navajo communities, who consider these relics to have spiritual significance.
But right now, this historic UNESCO World Heritage site is being DESTROYED by corporate greed. The fossil fuel industry has already taken over 91% of the public lands in the Greater Chaco Region with their fracking practices -- and they continue to rake in cash from damaging this national treasure. If we don’t STOP Big Oil immediately , this iconic landmark could be completely
demolished forever. Please, Friend, ACT NOW to help save
Chaco Canyon before it’s too late! >>
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[[link removed]]Big Oil has already claimed far too much of the Greater Chaco Landscape with over 40,000 oil and gas wells that have caused irreparable damage to these precious ancient lands. But the
harm caused by massive fracking doesn’t end with the significant cultural loss
-- it’s also devastating to the health and safety of local communities.
The people in the area already suffer from poor air quality due to nearby drilling projects. On top of that, extracted fracking wastewater
can be RADIOACTIVE, and its disposal through injection wells has been proven to INCREASE EARTHQUAKES.
The fossil fuel industry is not only destroying beautiful public lands that hold sacred cultural significance, but its reckless fracking is putting nearby people in danger of earthquakes,
water contamination, and air pollution. We must END the legacies of exploitation and extraction of frontline Indigenous
communities in the Greater Chaco area and DEFEND these tribal entities. Tell the government to BAN oil, gas, and mineral development in this iconic
landscape and PROTECT the public lands of Chaco Canyon: ADD YOUR NAME NOW >>
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[[link removed]]Thank you for taking urgent action to protect Chaco Canyon,
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