John, it's been a pretty intense last few days.

From supporters on Twitter to the candidates themselves and everyone in between, too many progressives are fighting each other instead of staying focused and united against the candidates supported by the corporate wing of the Democratic Party.

That's not good.

I remember 2004. Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt were leading in the polls until they started fighting each other and then John Kerry slipped in and won the Iowa caucus, starting a landslide of victories that locked up the nomination for the establishment's candidate.

I also remember that John Kerry went on to lose the general election against a very unpopular Republican incumbent in November.

We're determined to not let that happen again.

Here's how: We're launching Progressives Unite 2020 today partnering with 17 other national organizations in calling on progressives to work together to win. It's a three part plan and it relies on all of us to make it work. The first step is:

Sign on to the Progressives Unite 2020 pledge committing to come together from the first vote in Iowa to the last vote at the DNC Convention to ensure a progressive wins the nomination and America elects a Progressive President! Add your name now >>


Once you sign, if you live in Iowa, you’ll get a copy of the Strategic Voting Guide for the Iowa Caucus immediately. If you live in any other state, we’ll send you the plan before your state votes too.

The Strategic Voting Plan is simple. If a candidate does not reach the viability threshold of 15% in a caucus, the campaign will be organizing voters to move to one of the top two progressives rather than aligning with a candidate supported by the corporate wing or even just going home.

See, with multiple progressive candidates competing against neoliberal, corporate and billionaire Democrats, the progressive movement must be strategic as we fight to win and elect delegates in state conventions.

That's why part three of our campaign will go beyond the votes in each state to organize voters who want to become their candidate's pledged delegate at the DNC convention to run as "Unite Delegates." These delegates will pledge to stick with their chosen candidate as long as possible, but be ready to support the other candidate if we have to unite at the convention to make sure a progressive wins the nomination.

The progressive movement has the chance of a lifetime to defeat Donald Trump and elect a truly transformational progressive President of the United States, but it won't happen if we fight each other instead of working together to win.

Grassroots progressives nationwide can lead by example and the first step is adding your name to the Progressives Unite 2020 pledge today.

This is a big campaign and we're excited to be united with so many great progressive organizations.

Progressives Unite 2020 includes groups that haven't made an endorsement for one candidate or the other like DFA, Presente Action, Black Voters Matter Fund, and Justice Democrats. We're uniting with groups that have endorsed Elizabeth Warren like the Working Families Party and Progressive Change Campaign Committee and groups that have endorsed Bernie Sanders like Our Revolution, Center for Popular Democracy Action, and the Sunrise Movement.

Whether it's Ady Barkan the co-founder of Be A Hero Fund or former Labor Secretary Robert Reich founder of Inequality Media Civic Action, both leaders and their organizations are united with People's Action, Dream Defenders, and Social Security Works.

It's powerful to have so many progressives groups working together, including members of the Black Male Voter Project, Progressive Democrat of America, and RootsAction, because when the progressive movement works together, progressives win.

This is an exciting moment only 18 days before the Iowa Caucus and the first votes are cast. It's never been more important than it is right now for progressives to unite for a progressive president and work together to win!

Join the campaign right now >>

Let's take our passion and turn it into victory by working together before it's too late.

Thank you for everything you're doing to stay focused and win!


Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America