Friend – did you see Gary's message the other day? As a top supporter in DC, he's specifically selected you to complete his First 100 Days Survey to help inform Democratic strategy in 2023! It's not too late to complete it now using your own personal link:

From the rising cost of prescription drugs to combating the climate crisis, there are so many urgent issues facing our nation. Our new Democratic majority in the Senate needs a cohesive strategy to make progress on these critical issues and more during our first 100 days – and the data from this survey will help inform those strategic priorities. That's why Gary has personally extended the deadline to make sure he hears directly from you, friend!

But the clock is ticking. This survey will officially close at midnight tonight! Please, will you take a moment to make your voice heard right now? Here's your personal survey link again:

– Team Peters

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sen. Gary Peters
Subject: here's your personal link