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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
January 16, 2020

Daily Briefing of Media News share on Twitter

In Today's news:   Impeachment press restriction controversy escalates, McClatchy misses a debt-interest payment in the midst of financial strains, and the allowance of TV cameras in some UK court proceedings marks a significant shift.
Top Stories

Fight escalates over planned impeachment press restrictions

McClatchy misses debt and pension payments as negotiations with creditors continue [Subscription required]

TV cameras to be allowed in Crown Courts in England and Wales

Media Business

Business Insider grew in 12 years to a monster digital enterprise. Now CEO Henry Blodget has plotted a new wave of expansion

Putting news on stage: Bringing journalism back to the theater as a public space

Press & Government

7.3 million watched Democrats debate in Iowa as first votes loom

Key witnesses in the Mueller probe told investigators how Sean Hannity advised Trump’s closest aides

View: New debate, same old story

Television News

With Ronan Farrow’s new film, HBO is all in on reporters under attack

Media Ethics

A state senator told a young reporter that a group of boys “could have a lot of fun” with her. So she wrote about it.

View: Bad algorithms didn’t break democracy


The Guardian is the latest old-line publisher to reach outside the business for a CEO


The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.