From Kerry Schumann - Wisconsin Conservation Voters <[email protected]>
Subject Sponsor Clean Water Lobby Day 2020
Date January 16, 2020 2:15 PM
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Dear John,

Clean Water Lobby Day 2020 is just two weeks away – and our team is firing on all cylinders to ensure it’s going to be a huge success.

At Clean Water Lobby Day, people from across Wisconsin will come to Madison to demonstrate the power of democracy and voice their concerns for protecting Wisconsin’s water from manure, lead, PFAS, and other toxins - and making sure it’s clean and safe for everyone - no matter who they are or where they live.

You have a unique opportunity to make a huge difference by empowering others who want to make their voice heard at Clean Water Lobby Day. $40 covers the bus costs for one Lobby Day attendee, $80 covers two riders, and $240 covers six! Will you sponsor a conservation voter with a generous donation to Wisconsin Conservation Voters today? [[link removed]]

Without comprehensive solutions to pollution from nitrates, lead, and PFAS, our drinking water will become more and more dangerous – threatening the health and wellbeing of your families and communities.

Conservation voters have the power to move the needle forward toward clean water for everyone in the state – but your elected leaders need to hear directly from concerned Wisconsinites like you. That’s what Clean Water Lobby Day is all about.

In order to ensure Clean Water Lobby Day makes the biggest impact possible, we need your help to sponsor attendees coming into town on chartered buses from every corner of Wisconsin to meet with their legislators. Will you help us reach our goal with a special Clean Water Lobby Day gift today? [[link removed]]

To protect the health of our communities, we need a movement of concerned conservation voters, like you, rallying around the biggest issues - like protecting our drinking water from manure, lead, PFAS, and other dangerous toxins. We need to make it clear to our lawmakers that we will stand up and be heard.

Thank you for joining us and for all you do,

Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters

P.S. You can also support Clean Water Lobby Day as a sponsor! Sponsor the day as a "Friend of Conservation" with your $100 donation, as a "Bill Backer" with your $250 donation, or as a “Drinking Water Defender” with your $500 donation and have your name recognized as a Lobby Day supporter. But hurry! The sponsor deadline is January 27th: [[link removed]]

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To send us any comments or feedback, just reply to this email. Thanks for your support!

Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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