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Dear John,

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is fighting for you and winning battles both large and small. Thanks to your participation in our many waste-cutting campaigns, we achieved several significant victories on behalf of taxpayers last year – from Senate Republicans’ approval of a permanent ban on wasteful and corruptive pork-barrel earmarks to delivering $13.5 billion in regulatory relief to American families and businesses to the enactment of the Taxpayer First Act, which curtails onerous IRS rules and regulations that have made taxpayers’ lives miserable for years.

John, you can be proud of what you helped us to accomplish over the past 12 months, and that is why I want to ask you now to expand your partnership with CAGW this year by becoming a 2020 CAGW Charter Member.

I know that I do not need to tell you that 2020 will be a pivotal year in the fight for a smaller, less wasteful government. With Far-Left, Socialist politicians promising a whole host of new nanny-state spending programs – including the Green New Deal, “free” college, and Medicare for All, to name just a few – we must redouble our efforts to publicize the true cost of these handouts, which would require unprecedented levels of deficit spending AND massive tax hikes.

At the same time, we must work ceaselessly to put wasteful big government at the forefront of the public debate in this election year so we can win commitments from candidates to slash runaway spending.

But to win the debate over the size, cost, and role of government in our lives, CAGW needs the backing of concerned and involved taxpayers like you, John. That is why I hope you will decide that the most important thing you can do today is to become a 2020 CAGW Charter Member.

Your membership in CAGW will allow us to keep rallying millions of Americans in support of deep, ongoing cuts to wasteful spending, taxes, and regulations throughout 2020. Your support is also vitally important if we are going to continue putting forward the specific recommendations and strategies to trim the fat from the federal budget.

John, CAGW’s efforts on behalf of taxpayers could not be more important right now.

Please become a 2020 CAGW Charter Member by making your largest possible donation of $10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or more. To continue our fight against the Far Left’s budget-busting, big-government proposals this year, we need your support today.

Thank you and Happy New Year!


Thomas A. Schatz

P.S. John, becoming a CAGW Charter Member is one of the most powerful steps you can take to protect this nation’s financial future and the future prosperity of your children and grandchildren. Please make your largest possible CAGW Charter Membership Contribution today!




Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. For more information about CAGW, visit our website at Make a tax-deductible contribution today to become a CAGW Charter Member for 2020.

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Editing:2020 Membership I - Non-Donor Editing:2020 Membership I - Non-Donor