We asked readers like you to help fact check Jay Inslee’s State of the State address. Many of you wrote in pointing out Inslee’s biggest lies.
Shift Washington

Last week, we asked readers like you to help fact check Jay Inslee’s State of the State address. Many of you wrote in to point out Inslee’s biggest lies. And we wanted to highlight the top three lies which concerned Washingtonians like you caught him telling.

So, without further ado, here are Inslee’s top three most blatant lies during his recent State of the State address:

  1. CLAIM: “Not only are [the climate policies we passed] driving down polluting emissions, they are also creating thousands of clean energy jobs across the state.

    Year after year, scientific data from the Washington Department of Ecology reveals that Inslee’s environmental policies have failed to drive down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the state. Rather, emissions continue to increase. 

  2. CLAIM: “There are multiple reasons [for growing homelessness]. Though some people face behavioral health challenges or chemical addiction issues, the fundamental, underlying challenge is that we don’t have enough housing.

    Housing shortages remain a serious problem for communities across our state. But Inslee concentrating his solution for growing homelessness on housing ignores the mental health crisis at the root of the problem. One has to look no further than the millions of taxpayer dollars spent by King County and the City of Seattle on failed homeless housing projects. Far from providing solutions, homelessness rose across King County. Inslee’s poor record on addressing mental health is an embarrassment to our state. His refusal to concentrate solutions on addressing the growing mental health and substance abuse crisis will only make matters worse. 

  3. CLAIM: “If we continue building on the investments and policies we’ve started, we can continue building a Washington… where communities feel welcoming and safe to all.”

    Inslee pointed to public safety as an issue the 2023 legislature must address. But he concentrated his remarks on passing and enforcing stricter gun control measures. Not once did he mention the need to repeal the failed police “reform” measures jammed through by Democrat lawmakers during the 2021 legislative session. These policies have tied the hands of law enforcement officers, and our communities are less safe because of them.

We here at Shift WA are hard at work tracking what is happening in Olympia during the 2023 legislative session. The last few years have proved that you cannot trust mainstream media outlets to keep you informed of the facts. That’s why our efforts are so important.

With the 2023 legislative session launching last week, will you contribute $100, $50, or even $25 to help us report on the bills you need to know about?

Thank you,

The Shift WA team