STOP THE EPA FROM APPROVING BEE-KILLING PESTICIDES! As many wild bee species are spiraling toward EXTINCTION, the EPA is deciding whether to approve neonic pesticides that are EXTREMELY DEADLY to pollinators. If approved, neonics would continue to harm bees for another 15 years! It only took 20 years for the beloved Western Bumblebee population to drop 93%! 15 more years could be CATASTROPHIC!

Neonic pesticides -- along with climate change and habitat loss -- could WIPE OUT vulnerable pollinators and cause DEVASTATING ripple effects. Many pollinators are keystone species, meaning ECOSYSTEMS are SERIOUSLY THREATENED without them! That’s why we need you to act now! Friend, help SAVE BEES and other pollinators and urge the EPA to immediately BAN neonics by 11:59pm TONIGHT! >> 

Bees and other pollinators provide 1 of every 3 bites of food that we eat. Some of the most nutritious foods, like fruits, veggies, and nuts, could become increasingly scarce on store shelves if pollinator populations continue to decline. Hundreds of thousands of plant species depend on pollinators, too. The bottom line: neonic pesticides are bad news for pollinators, people, and HUNDREDS of other species.

Pollinators need pollen and nectar to survive. But neonics are making these key resources TOXIC. If the EPA allows this to continue, many wild bee populations will be pushed to the brink! We need 2,031 more signatures to help push the EPA to BAN neonics before wild bees and other critical pollinators go EXTINCT forever! Take action now!

Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy director of science,
Friends of the Earth
