In 2021, the CDC logged 1000s of accidents, suicides, and other “undefined” deaths as “COVID-19” deaths. … including dozens of homicides. Here are just some of the murders counted as Covid deaths in 2021: In October, a 44-year-old White male died from a homicide due to a combination of causes, including COVID-19, acute respiratory failure, Attorney General Merrick Garland contemplated having FBI agents monitor the search for classified documents by President Biden’s aides. Ultimately, he decided against it. According to officials close to Garland, he didn’t want to compromise the special counsel’s probe. Garland also factored the White House’s cooperation with Justice Department investigators. The Wall Street Journal explains: After The NBC host just proved the Republican's point. "This has to do with his belief and his religion." The New Year made Alabama the 25th state to have Constitutional Carry, where a permit is not required to carry a firearm in public. Learn more here. Foul play is not suspected. PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178 Unsubscribe |