Register Today For Two Events This January

PRA is Back in 2023 with a Roundtable Discussion on Right-Wing Identity Politics and A Movement Briefing on Anti-LGBTQ Organizing

Credit: Johnny Silvercloud/Flickr

Embodying White Christian Supremacy: From Deputizing Citizens to Flying The Blue Lives Matter Flag

A Roundtable Discussion on Wednesday, January 25th at 4PM ET

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Featuring scholar and co-host of podcast Straight White American Jesus Brad Onishi, PRA Research Director Steven Gardiner, and professor of criminal justice and criminology Zhandarka Kurti

In the same breath as decrying so called liberal identity politics, the U.S. Right declares itself representative of an oppressed White, Christian social class, fly Blue Lives Matter flags in place of Old Glory, and bedeck themselves in the cultish paraphernalia of Trump’s MAGA movement. With pins and badges signaling adherence to QAnon or movements like the groypers, right-wing politics have taken on the role of cultural identity for millions of Americans. In this discussion, we will examine how the “Culture War” frames the Left’s struggle to preserve a faltering American democracy and establish a new vision for inclusion and justice that makes meaning of and builds solidarity across identity.

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Credit: Ted Eytan, MD

Organizing for the Year Ahead: Countering Anti-LGBTQ Persecution and Violence in 2023

A Movement Briefing on Tuesday, January 31st at 4PM ET

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Featuring civil rights and gun safety advocate Brandon Wolf, Communications Manager of the Transgender Education Network of Texas Gin Pham, PRA Senior Research Analyst Heron Greenesmith, and organizer Kwyn Townsend Riley.

In this briefing, we will establish what's likely to happen over the next year in anti-LGBTQ organizing and ways that our partners are organizing to defend, restore, and expand LGBTQ rights. We will learn together from last year's anti-LGBTQ organizing, wins, and losses and how our movements responded in 2022. The conversation will conclude with a prognosis and plan of action for the year ahead, concluding with ways for you to engage in the struggle with us. 

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