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Hi John,

Last week our campaign successfully launched in a room filled with friends, allies, and community leaders (if you missed it, watch our launch video).

After that, I went in front of the Philadelphia Democratic Committee to discuss my candidacy for City Controller. I recognize that I am a political outsider to the Democratic establishment – which is what makes me an ideal candidate to be a successful, progressive City Controller – and I was not anticipating receiving their endorsement. That said, I also wasn't expecting it when they laughed at me when I talked about the various jobs I've worked, including working as a stripper. 

This is the Party that claims to represent working people? They want working people to vote for them, to give money to them, to volunteer and knock doors for them, but they are happy to laugh at working people running for office. 

To make matters worse, the Philadelphia Democratic Committee is refusing our campaign the voter data it routinely provides local Democratic campaigns. This means that we have to go elsewhere to get data for our field program, which will cost us nearly six times the amount. 

It's not fair — and that's exactly why the Party is doing it.

Not only does the establishment laugh at the lived experiences of working people, they gate-keep who can actually run for office in Philadelphia. The establishment is trying to rig the system right from the start.

So much for democracy, right?

We cannot let this stand. Can you chip in $25 to our campaign to help us buy the voter data we need to run a successful campaign for City Controller?


It's not up to the Party to pre-select the next City Controller of Philadelphia — that decision is up to the voters of Philadelphia. And Philly voters have been pretty clear: As long as our campaign can get our message out to the voters, the voters of Philadelphia will be standing with me.

In solidarity,

Alexandra Hunt


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