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Hi. I’m Kat. 

If you follow our 501c3, Spread The Vote + Project ID, you know me. We’re old friends. But you may not be super clear on what we’re doing on this side of your inbox.

If you don’t follow our c3, we haven’t really had a chance to get acquainted yet. 

We started Project ID Action Fund in mid-2020 because in the midst of a global pandemic and the biggest presidential election of all time we thought “let’s add some more pressure”. It was, as they say, the best and worst of times. In 2021 we endorsed a lot of candidates, decided what we wanted to accomplish in the world, and I went on seven post-vax vacations. It was a good year. In 2022 I wrote a book and we introduced a bill to Congress. It was an even better year. 

This year, I’d like to get to know you a little better. My January officially starts today. Between vacation and a champion bout of RSV the first half of January flew by without much notice from me so today is my new year. Bring out the fireworks. 

To ring in the year, I want to tell you a bit about myself, Project ID Action Fund, what we are going to accomplish this year and how we are going to change the country together. Over a series of newsletters I’ll share stories, ideas, and big goals, and I’ll ask you to join us in this fight. But I want to be sure you really understand what the fight is.

Let’s start with the personal. Like I said, I’m Kat. I am a lawyer, a writer, a pretty brilliant TV and movie critic if you ask me, which no one is, and a somewhat serial social entrepreneur. I was raised to believe that it was my responsibility to spend my life working to improve the country and the black community. I will never forgive my family for this. I wish they had raised me to believe that it was my responsibility to become a billionaire with my own space program and a large yacht with little garages for tiny baby yachts. Unfortunately, I come from a long line of well educated women who dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others. So here I am. 

In late 2016, after the election we will never forget, I started Spread The Vote, now Spread The Vote + Project ID, to help people get IDs to vote. That, to me, seemed to be the best way to ensure that the most marginalized voices in America would be heard during elections. It took me all of five seconds to realize that we had a much bigger problem on our hands. If you don’t have the ID you need to vote, you don’t have the ID you need to get a job, housing, medical care, food at many food banks, and beds in many shelters. You don’t have the ID you need to build and live a healthy, happy, productive life. And by “you”, I mean over 26 million American adults. 11% of the adult population in the US. 

I quickly realized that we had a crisis on our hands.

So our organization got to work, and over the last 6 years we have helped over 10,000 people get IDs across the country.

The work in itself is meaningful, and I am grateful every day that my team and I get to do it, but 10,000 is a mere drop in the bucket when compared to 26 million. That is why, after our 501c3 became arguably the nation’s leading expert in obtaining IDs, we started Project ID Action Fund, a 501c4 organization that we could use to go after the root of the problem, and change policy. 

More on that in a future email.

Back to the personal- when I’m not working I am a halfway decent amateur photographer, an occasional archer, an avid and possibly obsessive traveler, and a watcher of every streaming TV show and movie that I can possibly fit in. I have the unpopular opinion that running is the best possible way that a human being can spend their time and the popular opinion that wine is delicious. I also very firmly and deeply believe that we can, even in this world, in this time, still do big things. Maybe I spent too much time watching the moon landing as a kid. Maybe my mother filled my head with too many stories of Mary Lyon and Maria Tallchief and Marion Anderson. 

Whatever the reason, however naive and silly it may sound, I believe, with everything in me, that each of us has one way that we can change the world. Mine is to make sure that every single person in this country has an ID. I hope that as we get to know each other more, you’ll believe it too.

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