Corporate greed is out of control. But I know I don’t have to tell you that. I’m sure you feel it every time you head to the gas pump to fill up your tank, or when you refill a prescription just to learn that Big Pharma has increased the price once again.

And while working families are struggling to decide between putting food on the table or getting the medications and vaccines they need to survive, large pharmaceutical companies are only getting richer.

Take Moderna for example. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Moderna made tens of billions in profits off of the vaccine that was brought to market with major tax-payer assistance — and then used it to turn several of their corporate executives into multi-billionaires.

And now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Moderna is considering more than quadrupling the price of the COVID-19 vaccine after the supply that the government purchased and distributed for free has been depleted. Meaning that folks could end up paying more than $130 to get this life-saving vaccine.

Well, I won’t stand by while Big Pharma companies like Moderna threaten to restrict access to the vaccine during a pandemic. The American people funded Moderna’s vaccine to protect against the deadly pandemic and to help save lives — not so their execs could become billionaires.

Moderna should not raise the price of the COVID-19 vaccine. If you’re with me, add your name to my petition today.


Thanks for taking the time to read this message and make your voice heard on this critical issue.

— Tammy