Friend – we’re running out of time to reach our signature goal for our petition to the DOJ and, according to our records, your signature is still missing from this petition. Add your name now and demand accountability for Trump! >> The wheels of justice are indeed turning, but not quickly enough. Every citizen deserves to see the perpetrators of the January 6 insurrection prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law — so that we may heal as a country, protect and strengthen our democracy, and return to the hard work of living up to the ideals of the American Way. Please join us in calling for action from the DOJ. >> Thank you, Zach, People For ----[previous message]---- People For Supporter, This past weekend underscored the ongoing threats facing democracy from the Far Right. After fifteen rounds of voting, Rep. Kevin McCarthy was elected as the new Speaker of the House by the slimmest of margins. This is the first time in 100 years that it has taken more than a single round of votes to elect a new speaker – and demonstrates just how much the GOP and Kevin McCarthy are willing to compromise with the far-right fanatics within their party. It’s these very same fanatics who will be pursuing a scorched-earth campaign to undermine any accountability for the January 6 insurrection by pursuing hearings and investigations that serve no purpose or benefit other than to stir up their hardcore base of supporters – and why we must double down on our own efforts to urge the Department of Justice to fulfill its responsibilities and act on the January 6 Committee’s criminal referrals. Add your name to our petition to the DOJ now >> Failure to hold Trump accountable will have dire consequences for global democracy. Undoubtedly inspired by the January 6 insurrectionists, supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Balsonaro (an extreme right-wing politician) stormed government offices in the Brazilian capital on Saturday – a scene reminiscent of the pro-Trump mob that forced their way into the U.S. Capitol building. Accusations of a “stolen” and “rigged” election when Bolsonaro lost his bid for reelection paved the way for the attack, just as it did here in the U.S. following Trump’s loss. If we fail to hold Trump accountable for his attempts to undermine our democracy, the reverberating effects may prove catastrophic for democracies around the world. Trump may no longer be in office but the threat he and his loyal supporters pose to our democracy persists. Thanks for all that you do in the ongoing efforts to hold Trump accountable. Zach, People For the American Way ![]()