Just this week, Heather Mack, leader of the Green Group on Bristol City Council, told BBC that 'the solutions to the cost of living crisis can also be the solution to the climate crisis'.
Green background with Green Party logo in white



Just this week, Heather Mack, leader of the Green Group on Bristol City Council, told BBC that 'the solutions to the cost of living crisis can also be the solution to the climate crisis'. 


As the only party with the plans to insulate homes, invest in renewable energy and put utilities back into public ownership, the Green Party has a vital role to play in putting pressure on the Government to take action on the climate. Did you know that you can help us hold the government to account without becoming a member?


Our Green Friends are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action and getting exclusive access to events and discounts.


But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties. Whatever you are, be Green too 💚

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party


P.S. Are you coming to our event 31 January on zoom? We're discussing why we need electoral reform now with Natalie Bennett, Zack Polanski, Nate Higgins and Owen Winter from Make Votes Matter. Sign up to join here!