Mike Bloomberg 2020

Friend -- it was quite a debate night for the Bloomberg campaign!

First, we hosted the lucky winners of last week’s contest at Team Bloomberg HQ to meet with Mike.

Mike with Contest Winners

Sharon from Colorado spoke with Mike about her passion for animal rescue -- and how that has led to having a lot of strange pets in her family over the years!

Mike also chatted with Alice and her 10 year old daughter, a climate activist who asked Mike to join her in a quick interview to put on her personal TikTok. She’s a reporter in the making!!

And while the team here in HQ was grabbing the country’s attention with a little fun on Twitter, our contest winners joined Mike as special guests for the live, post-debate episode of The Late Show. Our special guests watched along with the whole country as Mike talked about the big issues and cracked a few jokes that even got Colbert laughing.

Watch and share the interview now >>

Mike at The Late Show

More soon,

Team Bloomberg 2020

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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