Block Trump's new proposal to transport highly hazardous fossil fuels through our communities
Nothing is more important than the safety of our families. That’s why Xavier is opposing the Trump administration’s new proposal to transport flammable and highly hazardous fossil fuels through our communities:

SF Chronicle: 

“The Trump administration’s plan to allow liquefied natural gas to be shipped by rail… lacks essential safeguards and exposes communities nationwide to the risk of lethal fires and explosions…”

Again and again, we see the White House prioritize the fossil fuel industry over our health and safety. 
This latest Trump proposal would allow trains carrying liquefied natural gas to travel through densely populated neighborhoods. Beyond the likely increase in greenhouse gas emissions, a single train derailment could cause catastrophic and violent explosions
Team, our families shouldn’t be crash-test victims for the fossil fuel industry. Sign your name next to Xavier’s in opposing this dangerous plan: 
Thank you, 
Team Becerra


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