Generous sponsors enable the Mises Institute to provide Research Fellows with a single occupancy apartment on the Mises Institute campus, a shared office at the Mises Institute, directed research from Institute faculty, admission to Rothbard Graduate Seminar and Mises University, access to the Institute’s vast library and the Auburn University library, a stipend, and transportation between the Atlanta airport and the Mises Institute.
Residency runs from mid-May until early August. Note: Attendance is required at Rothbard Graduate Seminar in early June and at Mises University in late July.
Ugo Stornaiolo, a 2022 Research Fellow writes, "As a Fellow, you get to develop your own research project under the advice and direction of world class scholars in economics and political philosophy, and explore the ideas of the Austrian School in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard."
Manuel García Gojon, a 2021 and 2022 Research Fellow writes, "The best part of being a Fellow is the sense of belonging to a robust scholarly community and the support to achieve our academic goals. Applicants should know that while everyone has their own research project, challenging and constructive dialogue is encouraged. An ideal candidate is someone who is serious about pursuing an academic career, passionate about their research, and appreciates the intellectual legacy of Ludwig von Mises."