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US snub of Chinese envoy could boomerang now that he’s a big wheel — or not

By Jake Werner on Jan 16, 2023 03:00 am

Beijing seems to be in no shape to hold grudges, so we should move on too and let more diplomatic heads prevail.
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Polls: Black Americans less inclined to support Ukraine if it leads to US war

By Christopher Shell on Jan 16, 2023 02:55 am

Surveys signal a wider resistance to interventionism, which is not surprising given the history of sacrifice, and cost to communities.
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MLK’s anti-war views are more relevant than ever

By William Hartung on Jan 15, 2023 03:00 am

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s critique of American militarism more than 50 years ago predicted the rise of US global adventurism.
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Laying the foundations for a settlement in Ukraine

By George Beebe on Jan 13, 2023 02:55 pm

Now that Kyiv is in a strong position to negotiate, the US must flex its diplomatic muscles to bring both sides to the table.
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Why Walter Lippmann wanted to demolish the ideas behind Cold War

By James Carden on Jan 13, 2023 03:32 am

As a grand strategist and America's most powerful media figure at the time, he exuded the integrity missing from today's discourse.
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Beware the ‘America First’ foreign policy phonies

By Andrew Earvolino on Jan 12, 2023 03:11 am

Right now it's fashionable to talk about national interests and even restraint, but with these folks, how much of it is sincere?
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