From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject Isn’t It Time For Adam Schiff To Be Expelled From Congress?
Date January 17, 2023 8:33 AM
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Tuesday, January 17th, 2023


** Isn’t It Time For Adam Schiff To Be Expelled From Congress? ([link removed])

Ron Paul, MD

** The Fed Is a Purely Political Institution, and It’s Definitely Not a Bank. ([link removed])

Ryan McMaken

** Taxation=Theft ([link removed])

Jeff Thomas

** Are Athletes Dropping Dead From the Covid Jab? ([link removed])

Dr. Joseph Mercola

** Welcome to Pottersville ([link removed])

Valerie Protopapas

** Martin Luther King and Planned Parenthood ([link removed])

David L. Gray

** ‘A New System’ – Inside the Davos Summit 2023 ([link removed])


** The Recession Everybody Denies Exists Is Going to Get Worse ([link removed])

Peter Schiff

** Order or Chaos? ([link removed])

Bionic Mosquito

** The Alt-Covid Community Begins Unraveling the Origins of Covid ([link removed])

Ron Unz

** The Drugs Don’t Work ([link removed])

The Good Citizen

** Fauci Knew Boosters Could Cause Immune Tolerance; Pushed for them Anyway ([link removed])

Igor Chudov

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Atlanta ([link removed])
* Musk Says ZeroHedge Did “Nothing Warranting Suspension” After ‘Twitter Files’ Expose Big Pharma Bullying ([link removed])
* Abandon Ship ([link removed])
* Freedom Flyers Organization ([link removed])
* A second paper confirms the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time ([link removed])
* Germany: top U.S. military commander inspects training of Ukrainian combat forces ([link removed])
* Jesus’ words against Gnostic/Manichean error ([link removed])
* Don’t agree with secession ([link removed])
* Pascal: Aristotle, and Plato on politics ([link removed])
* Open Thread: World Economic Forum Edition ([link removed])
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** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* Another Healthy Young 31-Year-Old Man Suddenly Drops Dead from a Heart Attack ([link removed])
* Biden Drowning In Classified Documents As Doubts Rise Among Dems ([link removed])
* All in a Day’s Work for the U.S. Military ([link removed])
* Still a Reason Not to Join the Military ([link removed])
* A Terrible Day in U.S. History ([link removed])
* Call For Papers ([link removed])
* Abraham Lincoln: American Dictator ([link removed])
* re: Uncle Joe and Uncle June ([link removed])
* The Elite Who Govern Us ([link removed])
* Walter E. Grinder, 1938–2022 ([link removed])
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