News from Representative Darin LaHood

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Dear John,

Protecting Illinois residents against an unchecked IRS

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Last week, I voted in favor of the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act. The legislation would protect low- and middle-income families and small businesses from costly and burdensome audits by an unchecked and supercharged IRS. Illinois families and small businesses in central and northwestern Illinois need their tax returns processed and phone calls answered, not more IRS agents knocking on their doors. While the IRS continues to beef up its audit division, the agency still has 3.7 million unprocessed tax returns and a total of 11.1 million returns awaiting action. The IRS should be focused on processing those returns and improving customer service, not unfairly targeting law-abiding taxpayers.

Read more: OurQuadCities: Congressman LaHood of Illinois defends cutting IRS spending increase

Standing up to China

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Last week, I voted for two pieces of legislation that will help protect the United States from growing challenges presented by China. The first piece of legislation creates a select committee in Congress that will focus on our strategic competition with China and the second bans oil sales from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China. Protecting both our national security and energy security is vital to the long-term health of our country.

Visiting with 16th District Constituents


I enjoyed visiting with Logan Gastman from Roanoke during his trip to DC last week as part of the Academy at the National Automobile Dealer Association.


I spoke to the Greater Peoria Contractors and Suppliers Association about our priorities for the new Congress. GPCSA was founded in Peoria and their members work to boost local economic development. Thank you to Carla Jockisch, Andy Volz, and Michael Williams for the invitation.


Thank you to the Peoria Rotary for having me last week to discuss a busy week in Washington and our priorities for the 118th Congress!

Joining 4 the Record to discuss a busy week in Washington


On Sunday morning, I joined Jim Niedleman on 4 the Record to discuss a busy week in Washington. We talked about a variety of topics, including the IRS, the Speaker's election, China, and bipartisanship. You can view the interview here.

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.


Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. As we reflect on his legacy today, may we remember his enduring commitment to peace, equality, and justice for all.

As always, thanks for subscribing to my newsletter!


Darin LaHood
Member of Congress

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