Our annual Texas Tough event is happening on April 21st, and tickets are available now!
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Our annual Texas Tough, Texas Strong event is happening on April 21st, and tickets are available now! If you haven’t already marked your calendars or purchased tickets, now is the time! This might just be our best event yet.

Fran and I have racked our brains for the past couple of months about WHO we should get as our speaker for this year’s event. I don’t want to brag, but I think we knocked it out of the park. 



Before we tell you who it is, we are going to play a game on facebook and instagram for a chance to win two free tickets to Texas Tough! So, if you aren’t following us there, go give us a follow so you can play along!

We could not be more excited for Texas Tough this year, and we hope to see you there. Click here to get your tickets today! 


For Texas,

Julie McCarty, CEO

P.S. Use the code EARLYBIRD from now until Friday to get discounted  tickets!

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