The 2023 legislative session is underway – hold onto your wallets - and we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard!
Shift Washington

The 2023 legislative session is underway – hold onto your wallets - and we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
Representative Jim Walsh (R – Aberdeen), the fourth-term legislator from Southwest Washington’s 19th Legislative District, joined us to discuss several major issues that will define the 2023 legislative session. Rep. Walsh outlined important bills he introduced, including more educational choices for families, prevent skyrocketing property taxes from overwhelming seniors, and prohibit the state from closing churches and other religious institutions during an emergency like Jay Inslee and the Democrats did in 2020. Read more.

This week’s top story…
The Seattle Times has run nearly 20 stories about Republican Congressman George Santos (NY) and his admission that he repeatedly lied to voters about his background. By contrast, our state’s biggest newspaper has not posted one single story about the numerous lies of Democrat State Representative Clyde Shavers since the paper posted one minor piece back in November. Notably, Shift broke that story six days before the Times bothered to report on it. Bias much, Seattle Times? Read more.

This week’s legislative news…
State Senate Democrats have said they will not listen to any proposal to alter the state’s emergency powers laws, because of their arrogance. Republican Senator Lynda Wilson (Vancouver) – a cosponsor of the bill to reform the law – and other members of the Senate’s State Government and Elections Committee were informed by Chair Sam Hunt (D – Olympia) that he will not hold a public hearing on SB 5063.

Our readers might remember that Governor Jay Inslee abused our state’s emergency powers laws to undemocratically make unchecked dictates for 975 days. And the disgraced Sam Hunt and other Olympia Democrats are just fine with one man making all the decisions for our state, without any oversight at all, as long as that man is a Democrat. Read this story and more with our Daily Briefing.

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