From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: Litigation Works! So We're Suing the New York Times! etc. (60 items)
Date January 15, 2020 10:44 PM
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["CNN Settles For Undisclosed Amount With Covington Kids: Litigation Works!;]([link removed])" "[Instapundit On Peter Brimelow's $5M Lawsuit Against The NYT—"I Would Have Added A Zero To The Claim,']([link removed])" etc. (60 items, 01/14/2020)

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Our number one article this reveals “you can’t even let the [MSM] swine take photographs.”: [Patriots Can’t Trust The Lying Press]([link removed]). Jared Taylor remembers, “I’ll probably go to my grave still being surprised by such pathetic dishonesty.”

In second place, [Unequal Justice And The Persecution Of Steve Stockman… Is U.S. ALREADY A Third World Country?]([link removed]) enjoys evergreen circulation thanks in part to [Ann Coulter’s demand last week]([link removed]):

If @realDonaldTrump Wont ‘Lock her Up,’ he could at least pardon Steve Stockman.”

James Kirkpatrick also brings us our third place: [Rep. Omar Inadvertently Proves The Case For Banning ‘Refugees’”]([link removed]) Oops!

In fourth: Who’s killing 30,000 Americans in their own country? Is it Iran? Ann Coulter reports: “[CNN, Fox News Fixate On Iran—Ignore Mexican Invasion.”]([link removed])

And finally, in number five, James Fulford highlights the absurd: Lifehacker’s Advice Propoganda: [“Buy Your White Kid a Black Doll.”]([link removed]) Just pray your kid has the [politically correct reaction]([link removed]).

Featured Articles

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Sunday January 12, 2020

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Saturday January 11, 2020

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Friday January 10, 2020

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Thursday January 09, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter: CNN, Fox News Fixate On Iran—Ignore Mexican Invasion]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

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Tuesday January 07, 2020

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Blog Posts

Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

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Saturday January 11, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Saturday January 11, 2020

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Friday January 10, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Black Lives Matter And Murder: The Great Awokening ~ the Great Entombment]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Rep. Omar Inadvertently Proves The Case For Banning "Refugees"]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Instapundit On Peter Brimelow's $5M Lawsuit Against The NYT—"I Would Have Added A Zero To The Claim"]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Brimelow Lawsuit Against NYT Makes POLITICO—And Drudge!]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Crazies Want To Abolish The Police]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

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Friday January 10, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Are Air Filters a Magic Boost for School Test Scores?]([link removed])

Friday January 10, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Racially Oppressed Refugee Meghan Markle Flees to Trumpland]([link removed])

Thursday January 09, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Least Surprising News In History—Congressional Budget Office Finds Immigration Hurts American Workers]([link removed])

Thursday January 09, 2020

Author Federale

[Is PARTY OF FIVE's Emily Tosta An Illegal Immigrant?]([link removed])

Thursday January 09, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

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Thursday January 09, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Radio Derb Transcript Up For January 4: De Blasio Empties Jails, NYT Won’t Say Who’s Attacking NY Jews, Etc.]([link removed])

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Thursday January 09, 2020

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Thursday January 09, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[NYT: White Men Like Quentin Tarantino And Joaquin Phoenix Need To Stop Making Good Movies So That Nonwhite Nonmen Of Color Can Win More Prizes.]([link removed])

Wednesday January 08, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

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Wednesday January 08, 2020

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Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[NEW YORK TIMES Attacks PragerU For WrongThink]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author James Fulford

[CNN Settles For Undisclosed Amount With Covington Kids: Litigation Works!]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Lifehacker Propaganda: "Buy Your White Kid a Black Doll"]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Demographically-Empowered Dems In VA Push For "Fair And Equitable Criminal Justice System"... Because Too Many Blacks Are In Jail]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Hollywood Reporter: "The Whiteness of 'Toy Story 4'"]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[What Travel Ban? Federal Government IMPORTING "Refugees" From Countries On Terrorist List]([link removed])

Tuesday January 07, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[Good News For Kobach—Pompeo Isn’t Running In Kansas]([link removed])

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Friday January 10, 2020

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Radio Derb

Friday January 10, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

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Syndicated Columns

Monday January 13, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

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Author James Kirkpatrick

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Author Byron M. Roth

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