Hey folks, 

My team just called me with an update on our 24 hour mid-month fundraising push and I’ll be honest: We’re behind. We’re just a few hours away from our midnight deadline and we’re not close to where we should be by now. 

Look, I get it. Folks might be a little checked out of politics after such a draining 2022 election cycle. You were being bombarded with emails from politicians who all needed grassroots support. And you might even be a bit jaded. 

But here’s the truth. If you’re reading this email, you’ve already beat the odds. Because the majority of folks we reach out to don’t even open our emails.

And I can’t even blame them! Some politicians (especially those on the other side) have been treating their email list like an ATM — blasting their supporters with a dozen emails a day all designed to make you think the sky is falling.

I’m not here to scare you, and I’m not going to tell you the sky is falling. But the honest truth is we rely on donations we receive in response to these emails to balance our budget, and when folks stop reading them, it can have consequences on our 2024 efforts to defend the Senate. 

When our supporters stop opening our emails, it means we have fewer resources to support vulnerable Democrats and build up our infrastructure in battleground states. 

So I’m hoping I caught you today, and I’m asking you to consider chipping in any amount to help protect our Democratic Senate majority. 

Friend, will you add a contribution of any amount today to help us catch up on our mid-month fundraising goal? Your help makes all the difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Even if you can’t make a donation today, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this email. It really helps us more than you know. 

Thanks so much. I’ll let you get back to enjoying your Sunday. 

— Jon