
I'm thrilled to announce that today we have officially relaunched Serve America PAC with our first list of endorsements for the 2020 cycle!

As you know, Serve America exists to help elect veterans and other service-driven leaders to the U.S. Congress and in state and local races across the country. In 2018, Democrats flipped 41 House seats from red to blue; 18 of those seats were flipped by candidates endorsed and supported by Serve America.

This cycle, Serve America will be working hard to defend those gains and to support a new group of candidates who can help expand our majority in the House and be strong, principled leaders when they get to Washington.

Check out our first endorsements of House and Senate candidates on our new website, here:

These are strange and complicated times we’re living in. Donald Trump has turned the world upside down. He’s abandoned longstanding tenants of our foreign policy, ripped up trade agreements, pulled out of international accords, and poured fuel on the fire in the Middle East. And since his election, one of the only successful checks on his presidency has been our Democratic House--led by the veterans and next generation leaders we helped elect in 2018.

Here’s the bottom line: We need more new service-driven leaders in Congress.

In this complicated and dangerous world, our leaders need to understand the nuances of foreign policy. From Hong Kong to Venezuela, to Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran--the world needs leadership from the United States. And that means we need public servants who can step up and assume that mantle of leadership that Donald Trump has abandoned over the last few years.

I’m committed to that work because I know how important it is, and I know how much we can accomplish together--because we did in 2018. If you look at what happened in the Virginia and Kentucky elections just a few months ago, you can see the power of committed, energized Democrats who are ready to get out and work to fix the mess we’re in. This election, we can make a huge impact on if we work together.

So I hope you’ll stand with me today as we relaunch Serve America PAC and set our sights on 2020. We’ve been organizing and planning over the last several months and we’re now ready to hit the ground running. I hope you’re ready to join us today.
