Dear John,
It seems so elementary – water is life.
Why then, one might wonder, is it so difficult for politicians to stand up and take bold action to protect one of our most fundamental resources? What could possibly be controversial about standing up for clean, safe drinking water for all of us right now – and for the future?
It’s time to ask the Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality, its members, and the Wisconsin legislature these questions. RSVP for Clean Water Lobby Day. [[link removed]]
Last week, the task force released its recommendations after a year of public input and work. The result is not just underwhelming, it is at times insulting – one of its recommendations actually includes an invitation to polluters to help write pollution policy.
We released a Water Quality Checklist late last year. The checklist is a straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to fix Wisconsin’s drinking water crisis. Unfortunately, the task force only addressed three out of eight of its requirements, and two of those only partially. Check out the graded checklist here. [[link removed]]
The task force failed you.
You, on the other hand, according to the task force itself [[link removed]], were spot on during the last year. In its report, it lists the most frequently recommended solutions to the water quality crisis as made by you – the people who signed petitions, attended meetings, and contacted the task force with your ideas and concerns.
Your recommendations and the Water Quality Checklist are nearly identical. Yet, the task force chose to ignore the vast majority of your requests and settle – as so many have before when it comes to clean water – for political showboating and lip service.
These recommendations are an undeniable signal that some politicians care more about avarice, power grabs, and campaign cash than protecting our water and health.
That’s why we’re going back to the Capitol on Jan. 30 to tell legislators what they must do. We’re going to help them understand that each squandered opportunity to fix this crisis means an exponentially more difficult struggle for clean, safe water passed on to future generations.
We need you. We need you here in Madison to provide an example to these elected officials. Your legislators need to meet you, and others like you, who care about what really matters, and who know how to fix this mess. RSVP here. [[link removed]]
Thank you for being a conservation voter,
Ryan Billingham
Communications Director
[email protected]
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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