Al Sharpton has been making a good living for 35 years now, pushing
the nation as far as his bullhorn audacity will carry him — which is
pretty far for a one-time FBI informer who brought nothing to the
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Trump is absolutely right about ‘con man’ Al Sharpton
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Source: New York Post
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Al Sharpton has been making a good living for 35 years now,
pushing the nation as far as his bullhorn audacity will carry him —
which is pretty far for a one-time FBI informer who brought nothing to
the table. He rode an eagerness to exploit racial discord, a couple of
incendiary slogans and the cowardice of national leadership to fame
and fortune.
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Background Notes from Judicial Watch
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Obama Administration Plays Race Card in Ferguson
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Source: Judicial Watch
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Race-baiters in the Obama administration and its allies are
undermining the rule of law, rushing to the scene of this “hate
crime” (yes both of the “Reverends” Sharpton and Jackson have
been on the scene). All of this grandstanding, including by President
Obama and Attorney General Holder has undermined justice, encouraged
racial division, and tacitly encouraged violent protests.
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Rev. Sharpton Owes $1.5 Million in Taxes
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Source: Judicial Watch
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A renowned civil rights activist and one-time presidential
candidate, who runs a lucrative charity that gets hefty donations from
powerful Democrats, owes the government about $1.5 million in taxes
and penalties.
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North Carolina Election Battle Moves to the Supreme Court
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Source: Judicial Watch
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The North Carolina legislature passed the “voter ID law,”
overhauling the state’s election laws. This sensible reform put
North Carolina in the sights of Eric Holder and activists such as Al
Sharpton, who was part of anti-voter ID meeting at the Obama White
House with Eric Holder and other like-minded activists in the
racial-grievance industry.
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Daywatch Updates
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Tom Fitton: Robert Mueller Needs to Be Investigated
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Today we sit down with Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch,
which uses FOIA, or Freedom of Information Act requests, as well as
litigation, to expose government corruption…
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