Dear CV Friend,
The headline from Politico says it all:
“Trump looks to reward conservative Catholics for their loyalty.”
article makes clear what I can personally confirm: the Trump Administration is actively working to deliver for Catholics.
Over the past year we have
been working with members of the Administration to emphasize the priorities of Catholic voters. The foundational issues of life, family and religious
liberty -- along with the importance of restoring American solidarity by lifting up families and American workers.
We’ve explained our
priorities. And they are listening ... and delivering.
From the article:
If the 2020 election will be won or
lost in the Rust Belt — specifically in economically depressed counties throughout Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that boast a sizable
share of cultural and devout Catholics — the president can’t afford to have Catholics feeling left out...
Inside the Trump campaign,
preparations are underway for a “Catholics for Trump” coalition and a series of events that will get the president and his surrogates in
front of friendly Catholic audiences. According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump is expected to deliver remarks in late March at the
National Catholic Prayer Breakfast ... President Trump has delivered for Catholics, and we need to get the
word out. This is why we are building a truly historic Catholic education and voter mobilization plan for November.
NEWS: Thanks to you, I’m happy to report our staff is rapidly growing, including the addition of field staff in key states, along
with former Representative Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) who now serves as a Senior Political Advisor.
You can read the entire article from Politico here.
Thank you for all that you are doing to make our
work possible.
And to further support our efforts now and in the future, make a monthly commitment to CatholicVote