[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The historic Chaco Canyon is UNDER THREAT from Big
Polluters! Act now!
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Chaco Canyon preserves the homes and ruins of the Indigenous Pueblo and Navajo
peoples. These lands include rock engravings, ancient roads, and precious stone
buildings that are over 1,000 years old. But without your help, fracking could DESTROY Chaco Canyon’s historical and
cultural sites!
Corporate polluters fracking in Chaco Canyon will hurt surrounding communities,
too. Fracking can trigger earthquakes and poison air and water. And fracking wastewater can even contain RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS! Friend, please take immediate action to protect Chaco
Canyon and surrounding communities from fracking!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Big Polluters have already claimed 91% of the public lands in the Greater Chaco
Canyon region. But greedy corporations want even more, despite the cost to local communities
and our shared public lands.
Chaco Canyon was designated a World Heritage Site because of its cultural and
spiritual importance to Indigenous people. Yet the Bureau of Land Management is
failing to protect these lands and the people who rely on them. If just 62 more people from your area take action, we can help
keep Chaco Canyon safe from corporate polluters! Urge the BLM to preserve Chaco’s ancient history by 11:59pm TONIGHT! >>
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
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