It’s time to call out plastic fails

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Hi John,

The pressure is on—2020 is the year to get serious about ending plastic pollution!

Canada has committed to holding producers responsible for the waste they create and banning certain single-use plastics as early as 2021. Individuals, communities, and businesses across the country are also taking the right steps to reduce plastic waste.

But not everyone is quite on board. In fact, some of Canada’s biggest companies are moving in the opposite direction. Whether it’s using greenwashing gimmicks or creating more waste by putting extra plastic in their products, it’s time to call out companies for their downright shameful practices.

That’s why we’ve created the Plastic Wall of Shame, where companies like Coca-Cola, Tim Hortons, Loblaws and other big names are exposed for their shameful efforts (or lack of) to reduce plastic waste.

These companies are big contributors to the growing plastic crisis. They need to be held accountable and publically shamed for failing to take action to reduce plastic pollution. Find out which companies are on the wall, why they’re being shamed and help us call them out on Twitter. 

Each month the Plastic Wall of Shame will be updated with the latest offender. Let us know which company you want to see up on the wall and submit your nomination through the Plastic Wall of Shame page.

It’s time to let these companies know they’re not fooling anyone.

Vito Buonsante
Program Manager, National Plastics

P.S. Our work to protect Canada’s environment is not possible without your support. Please support our campaign with a donation today.



Environmental Defence Canada - 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

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