The GROUND SHAKES. SULFUR fills the air. ANIMALS FLEE in terror. SCREECHING metal slams into earth. This terrifying scene is the result of handing public lands over to Big Polluters -- and it could happen soon without your help, Friend. Big Polluters are poised to DRILL and FRACK on more than a HUNDRED THOUSAND acres of public lands!

Dramatic mountain peaks. Red rock canyons. Sparkling waters. These are some of the treasures on our public lands that corporate polluters are threatening to DESTROY! People rely on water from our public lands, and fossil fuel pollution THREATENS their health. You have just A FEW DAYS LEFT to stop Big Polluters from leasing more public lands for drilling. SEND YOUR COMMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR: Protect public lands from fossil fuel destruction before it’s too late!

Drilling POISONS air, water, and land with pollution which endangers nearby communities. People who are exposed to drilling can suffer from coughing fits, dizziness, nausea, and blistering headaches. What’s more, polluted rivers and lakes can CONTAMINATE community drinking water.

The Department of Interior is poised to turn over even more public lands to Big Oil, sacrificing people’s health to boost the industry’s bottom line. If 1 of every 11 people reading this email stand up to Big Oil, we can help prevent pollution-induced illnesses. Friend, don’t let Big Oil drilling hurt public lands and community health! Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT.

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
