How the Seattle Times and Everett Herald have shamefully covered the “Lying Clyde” Shavers story – especially in contrast to their obsessive coverage of the Santos story – reveals their deep leftist bias.
Shift Washington
The Seattle Times has run nearly 20 stories on Republican Congressman George Santos (NY) and his admission that he repeatedly lied to voters during his campaign. The Everett Herald’s website features at least four editorials about the lies of Congressman Santos. Certainly he deserves condemnation for being an admitted liar.
By contrast, the Seattle Times has posted one story covering Democrat State Representative Clyde Shavers numerous lies, including about his military service, his work experience, his mother’s immigration status, and that he actually lived in the district he now represents. The Times’ only story on the very relevant topic happened a laughable six days after Shift first broke the story back in October.
The Everett Herald announced it was rescinding its endorsement of then-candidate Shavers and endorsed Republican Greg Gilday the day after Shift broke the story. But the paper only posted a story covering Shavers’ many lies three days later, once the proven liar released a bizarre statement in which he failed to take responsibility for his fabrications – and attacked his father, whom he allegedly does not communicate with, for telling people about his lies.
Since then, the Herald’s only coverage of Shavers has been on the daily vote tallies during his close election and one letter to the editor about the Democrats’ failure to vet their candidates.
Seriously, that’s it. Evidently no need to cover local Democrat lying, when the media can talk about a lying NY Republican.
How the Seattle Times and Everett Herald have shamefully “covered” the “Lying Clyde” Shavers story – especially in contrast to their obsessive coverage of the Santos story – reveals their deep leftist bias. These papers do not function as news sources. They are proving themselves an arm of the Democrat Party, and they are willing to cover up for lying leftist politicians. 
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