Shop our new commemorative Moms Demand Action merchandise.

Moms Demand Action


For the past ten years, Moms Demand Action volunteers have changed the calculus on gun safety. We have established chapters in all 50 states and fought for life-saving gun safety policies in statehouses, courthouses, and communities across the country!

To commemorate ten years of Moms Demand Action, we have created a brand new collection of apparel, accessories, and more to honor the incredible achievements we've accomplished together.

Images of our brand new Moms Demand Action merchandise to commemorate 10 years. Text reads: "Celebrate 10 years of Moms Demand Action. Shop the collection."

Together, we're creating a future where students and educators no longer have to go through active shooter drills, where guns are no longer the leading cause of death for America's children and teens, and where we can all shop and play and worship and go about our business free from the fear of gun violence.

We have never backed down from the hard work it takes to end gun violence in this country, and we never will.

Celebrate ten years of Moms Demand Action with our commemorative collection! Shop our new collection of Moms Demand Action merchandise today >>

Thank you so much for being a part of this movement, #KeepGoing!

Moms Demand Action Store