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The Iowa Caucuses are just 19 days away. But that’s got me thinking about something that’s even bigger than Iowa or this campaign.

Throughout the campaign, I’ve traveled to each of Iowa’s 99 counties. And from living rooms to coffee shops and in every place that I visited, the folks I met kept bringing up the same issue: our healthcare system is deeply broken.

Our country needs a bold vision and a pragmatic approach for improving healthcare.

That’s why I’m fighting for universal healthcare coverage -- where every American has health care coverage as a right of citizenship.

If you support universal healthcare coverage too, please chip in $15 to support our campaign →

Currently, only three candidates have detailed plans for universal access — Senators Warren and Sanders, and myself.

The plans advocated by Senators Warren and Sanders, however, call for an extreme “single-payer” system, where the government is the only provider of coverage.

But the truth is, that’s just not possible. Their plan will kick millions off their coverage and severely underfund hospitals, which will inevitably result in closures and leave even more folks without the care they need.

My plan -- BetterCare -- achieves the ambition of universal coverage without the negatives of a single-payer system.

I believe we must create universal healthcare by automatically enrolling every American in a free public healthcare plan -- AND still allow folks to buy supplemental coverage or opt out and keep the private plans they currently have.

By keeping private insurance options, we will ensure our system stays solvent and hospitals in rural and remote areas will be able to afford to keep their doors open.

Right now Americans are hungry for a leader who will unite our divided nation and turn big ideas into real solutions.

My plan for universal healthcare isn’t just a talking point. It’s something we can act on to create a future that is more prosperous, more secure, and more just for people like you.

So if you’re with me and support commonsense universal health care, please, join our campaign today:



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