Hi Friend,

Have you seen posts that clearly violate community guidelines yet remain on Twitter, Facebook, or another social media platform, while others are swiftly taken down? 

Does it seem like certain viewpoints are censored while others are amplified? 

Are you tired of Big Tech controlling the narrative on social media?

We get it. Big Tech doesn’t apply the rules equally or fairly — and, until now, there has been no way to take real action against it. 

That’s why we created the Same Rules for All platform. In the battle against the blocking and censoring of conservative voices — even mainstream, common sense voices — you can help us hold Big Tech accountable to its own standards.
Get Exclusive Access
Friend, you are invited to join our exclusive Same Rules for All beta-launch team of sleuths, the very first members with access to expose bigotry and misinformation on social media and pressure platforms to apply their content rules and guidelines equally and fairly.
How does it work? 
  1. Create your account
  2. Download our easy-to-use Google Chrome plugin 
  3. Scan social media platforms for posts that clearly violate guidelines but have not been taken down
  4. Submit the rule-violating content to Same Rules for All website or through the plugin
  5. Through Same Rules For All website, report the post to the social media platform to help them apply their own rules equally and fairly
  6. Engage with other users' posts: upvote posts to move them to the top of the page for all to see, comment your thoughts, and report back to social media platforms 
  7. Get rewarded
Get Early Access
That’s right, participation also comes with fun incentives. From the moment you join the sleuthing ranks of Same Rules for All, you earn points towards badges that increase your status on the site. Grow from Sleuth all the way to Black Ops through our gamified system.

Please join Same Rules for All today and start sharing, amplifying, and reporting social media posts that violate community guidelines to ensure tech platforms apply their own rules fairly and equally, without bigotry or bias.

Victoria Coley
Same Rules For All is a program of the Anti-Bigotry Alliance, brought to you by Independent Women's Forum.