January 13, 2023
Dear John,
This week, House Republicans have been busy delivering on our Commitment to America. We promised to pass my bill to defund the Biden Administration's $80 billion cash infusion for the IRS to target taxpayers, and this week, we fulfilled that promise.
Additionally, I was selected this week for service on the Ways and Means Committee for the next two years. As a lifelong tax-fighter representing constituents in one of the highest-taxed states in the country, I am committed to being a strong voice on the Committee for lowering taxes and reining in reckless spending out of Washington, D.C.
Finally, today is Korean American Day, and I've been celebrating the incredible heritage and contributions of this community with my colleagues in Congress.
Get the details about all of this and more below, and make sure to follow my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to get these updates in real-time.
Reining In the IRS |
This week, the House passed the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act, my bill to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from using its massive, $80 billion infusion of taxpayer dollars to squeeze more revenue out of American taxpayers.
The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act would rescind the funding for the Biden Administration’s plan to hire 87,000 new IRS agents and block efforts to drastically increase audits on middle class families, while preserving funding for customer service and IT modernization.
The Administration’s $80 billion plan to hire 87,000 new IRS agents and target Americans with a flood of audits was absurd from the start, especially as families and small business owners struggle under skyrocketing prices brought on by reckless government spending. As a lifelong tax fighter, I am proud to introduce this legislation with Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) to rescind the funding for the Biden Administration’s reckless attack on taxpayers and see it voted on as our new Majority’s first order of business. Republicans are hitting the ground running to deliver on our promises to American families.
Intern in My Office |
The application to intern in my D.C. or District office during the Spring session is closing soon! If you are high school or college student looking to learn more about Congress and the legislative process, an internship in my office can be a fun, educational, and exciting opportunity.
Candidates must possess excellent writing and verbal communication skills. In addition, we are seeking highly collaborative team players with the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.
If you are a hardworking, dedicated individual who has a desire to help improve our Southern California communities, then an internship in my office might be for you! Visit my website to learn more and apply.
Fighting for Taxpayers |
I am proud to announce that in the 118th Congress, I will be serving on the Ways and Means Committee, which oversees tax, trade, and revenue policies. I first entered public service because I witnessed how difficult it was for my non-English speaking mother to navigate tax laws and state regulations, and I have been a tax fighter ever since.
From the California Board of Equalization to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, and now in the United States House of Representatives, I have been, and always will be, committed to fighting back against burdensome taxes and regulations, so that hardworking American families can keep more of their paychecks and build their own American Dream. Additionally, despite the fact that California is home to the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles and is the second largest state exporter in the country, the Committee has gone without a Republican voice from the entire West Coast.
I am eager to be that voice and will work tirelessly to improve broken trade policies that empower the CCP at the expense of Americans. I am honored to be selected for service on the Ways and Means Committee, and I am ready to get to work with Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and my fellow Committee members to rein in Washington’s reckless tax-and-spend addiction and put Californians first.
Celebrating Korean American Day |
Today is Korean American day! This week, I spoke on the House Floor to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the first Korean immigrants' arrival to the United States. As an immigrant to this great country, I am proud of how hard Korean Americans have worked hard to build their own American Dream.
Today we celebrate the strength of the Korean American communities like those in Southern California. We recognize the power and impact of our achievements. And we honor the shared heritage of Korean Americans across our nation
I also want to take a moment today to recognize the Congressional Korean American Staff Association, a group of Congressional Staffers who represent the future of Korean American political leaders. I was glad to join them, along with Reps. Young Kim (R-CA) and Blake Moore (R-UT, who served his LDS mission in South Korea) on the Capitol steps to mark this special occasion!
Rep. Steel and Rep. Young Kim (R-CA)
Reps. Steel, Kim, and Moore with members of CKASA
Rep. Steel and Rep. Blake Mooe (R-UT)
What I'm Reading...
Thanks for taking the time to read about what I've been doing on behalf of Orange County families. Be sure to connect with my official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where I post the latest news and updates. It is an honor to serve you in Congress.
Rep. Michelle Steel Member of Congress