Hello John,
Nancy Pelosi just announced her handpicked impeachment managers to preside over the Senate trial, and FOUR out of seven of them are former state lawmakers. That means that the same Democrats leading the charge against President Trump in the House and now putting him on trial in the Senate, began their political careers as state legislators. This shows once again that we can’t afford to ignore radical liberals before they reach the halls of Congress. RSLC leads the fight to stop socialism in the states, but we can’t do it alone.
Join us in our fight against these types of state lawmakers before they’ve spread socialism into the halls of Congress, too.
If these types of socialists can’t launch their starts in the states, they’ll never make it to Congress. When socialism starts in the states, that’s where we have to stop it. You can’t chop off the top of a weed and hope it stops growing. You have to pull it up by the roots to ensure it won’t grow back. The states are those socialists’ roots. Help us keep them from growing in YOUR state by electing Trump allies instead to keep America great.
Dave Abrams
Communications Director
Republican State Leadership Committee