John, Moderna's stock price soared when they announced they were considering a massive price hike for their COVID-19 vaccine, but now that Bernie Sanders is in charge of oversight over Big Pharma as chairman of the HELP Committee, they are learning that their free ride from accountability is over. Bernie called out their greed and threatened to subpoena executives to testify. Big Pharma isn't used to being held accountable for profiteering from human misery, and the army of lobbyists and politicians they bankroll in both parties will attack Bernie with everything they have. Help us defend Bernie from big-money attacks from the healthcare industry by chipping in what you can here! They will do everything they can to avoid accountability, so any amount helps!
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Despite their wealth and power, we can beat Big Pharma and the Healthcare industry because one of the only things voters on both sides of the aisle agree upon is that drug prices are immorally high. If we stand together and organize, we will stop so much needless suffering, but it will take all of us moving in the same direction and standing up to their vicious smears against Bernie. Pitch in here to have Bernie's back against attacks from Big Pharma! When we organize, we win, Our Revolution 