Mo’ Climate Investment, Mo’ Jobs.
The Inflation Reduction Act is kind of the “It Girl” of climate legislation. It’s the most robust climate investment in U.S. history, aiming to accelerate clean energy projects, reduce greenhouse gasses, and catalyze technological innovation. With features like that, you’re gonna be popular!!
The IRA will also ensure that corporations and the wealthiest Americans are paying their fair share in taxes. In 2023, paying taxes is hot and tax evasion is decidedly not. Along with holding corporations and the wealthiest Americans accountable, the IRA will help create new, good-paying jobs. Thank you, Joe!
Using the Data for Progress Jobs Model, we project that the Inflation Reduction Act would be responsible for an average of around 1 million jobs created or preserved from 2023-2032. This would contribute approximately $1.7 trillion to the U.S. GDP over the same period. That’s hot.

With job creation numbers that high, it’s no wonder that the IRA is so pop-u-lar.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Fossil fuels are going to hate this announcement.
The rats may be not-so-secretly running New York City and the subway may have a mind of its own, but not everything is looking so bleak in the concrete jungle where dreams go to die (sorry, where dreams are made of).
The All-Electric Building Act, a new law proposed by New York lawmakers, would enact a statewide ban on fossil fuels in new construction under seven stories by 2024 and for larger buildings by 2027. The act would also reduce costs on home energy bills, create clean energy jobs, and improve air quality by tackling greenhouse gas emissions. Good! New Yorkers need a win! They’re tired of paying high home energy bills and tragically losing $1 pizza to inflation.
Data for Progress finds 66% of New York state voters support the proposal to end new gas hookups, including 64% of Independents. Sorry fossil fuels!! Your time has come. Say your goodbyes and please locate the nearest exit.

New Yorkers feel that the state can definitely do more when it comes to climate change. It’s pretty hard to ignore the climate crisis when it’s 60 degrees in January. We should be freezing in NYC. Why aren’t we freezing?!? 41% of New York voters feel that the state legislature has done too little, while only 19% believe that it has taken the right amount of action to address climate change.
New Yorkers are ready to show off their winter fashion, so let’s pass the All-Electric Buildings Act to help the climate by banning new gas hookups. We’ll be one small step closer to being cold in New York once again. We don’t think that’s too much to ask.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Speaking of the death of $1 pizza to inflation, the minimum wage in New York isn’t high enough to afford $8.79 milk.
2023 is an expensive time to be alive — and it doesn’t help that the minimum wage hasn’t been increased in over a decade. While Democrats have tried to raise the minimum wage, Republicans in Congress have blocked their efforts. Classic Republicans. At least they're consistent.
In order to help keep up with the increased cost-of-living, New York lawmakers have proposed a bill that would gradually increase the minimum wage over the next three years until it reaches $21.25 in New York City, Long Island, and Westchester and $20 in upstate New York. The proposal would adjust the minimum wage each year to keep up with the cost-of-living. See, that makes sense. In 2008, a Webkinz stuffed animal cost $10, but now they’re $19 on Am*zon. That’s literally more than the minimum wage. We can’t live in these conditions.
A new poll by Data for Progress finds 80% of voters support the proposal to raise New York’s minimum wage — including 65% of Republicans.

Raising the minimum wage would allow New Yorkers to keep up with rising costs. 70% of New York voters believe that workers in the state need to earn at least $20 an hour in order to live at a decent level — as do 60% of Republicans.
So, New York state lawmakers, let's pass this proposal so New Yorkers can afford necessities like pizza and decent housing. And Webkinzs, because they should make a comeback in 2023.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Please Cc Andrew Tate on all of your emails at [email protected].
We don’t know if you’ve heard, but after An*rew T*te was thoroughly roasted by Greta Thunberg on Twitter, he was detained in Romania on human trafficking charges. You don’t know who Andrew Tate is? Lucky you!! He’s a homophobic, racist, misogynist (a triple threat!) who spends his days spreading the message that women are property and shouldn't be allowed to drive.
Andrew Tate has gained an alarmingly large audience, with 4.5 million followers on Twitter — an audience he was able to accrue because Elon Musk restored his account after acquiring Twitter. Tate’s audience is mostly made up of young men who are influenced by his dangerous rhetoric. — and , no surprise, for Tate it’s not just rhetoric. He moved to Romania to avoid rape charges in the United States and because he likes “the idea of just being able to do what I want.” Andrew Tate and his brother are now at the center of a Romanian investigation into human trafficking, rape, and organized crime.
In a new poll, Data for Progress finds 66% of voters believe Tate’s Twitter account should have remained suspended, including 83% of Democrats, 62% of Independents, and 53% of Republicans.

While we can’t erase years of Tate’s influence or online reach to his millions of followers — that’s in the hands of one self-driving asshole — we can take action to help victims of human trafficking. President Biden recently signed the Countering Human Trafficking Act, which will increase funding and personnel for the Department of Homeland Security to identify and support human trafficking victims and hold human traffickers (like Tate) accountable. To donate to organizations supporting survivors of sexual assault or human trafficking, click here.
You can read the full blog and polling here.