The Hill: Special interest should not control licensing board appointments


The U.S. Supreme Court reprimanded the North Carolina Board of Dentistry in 2015 for loading up with active market participants who were incentivized to shut down their competition.

Steve Slivinski explains that this form of special interest board capture has existed as long as occupational licensing itself, and it’s not the only one. A new first-of-its-kind report by PLF has identified an additional and lesser-known form of licensing board control that’s happening in nearly half of all U.S. states.

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How an eviction ban stole one couple’s American Dream


In Alameda, California, a pandemic-era eviction ban has been in place for nearly three years, even though COVID no longer poses the same threat it once did.

As a result, “mom and pop” landlords have found themselves losing their livelihoods and dealing with problematic tenants with no way to get rid of them, and with little sympathy or support from their local government.

In part two of the series Landlords of Alameda County, Brittany Hunter introduces us to Sheanna Rogers. The government’s unlawful eviction ban has stuck her with a violent, erratic tenant who refuses to pay rent or leave.

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The Federalist: How a cat with a gunshot wound is bringing property rights disputes before the Supreme Court


Not many cases involving speeding and littering end up before the U.S. Supreme Court. Fewer still involve shooting a cat. Hardly any will set national policy for property rights disputes involving 620 million acres of federal lands.

Last November, writes Jim Manley, the Supreme Court heard arguments in just such a case.

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